What is Wild Lotus?

Wild Lotus is a profoundly powerful sacred sexual, spiritual practice for women today. 

I have cultivated this unique practice over the past 23 years through her personal journey and assisting hundreds of women worldwide in my courses and retreats - resurrecting divine feminine wisdom, ways, sexuality and divine union. 

Many inspirations and teachings have arrived from ancient sources and powerful mentors I have met along the way. The true brilliance of Wild Lotus is that it is birthed new and fresh in each moment directly out of the heart of God, making it supremely applicable to our lives today and to the women present in each moment.

Wild Lotus is not a person or place but rather a realm or state of consciousness that we all can occupy and enhanced by our coming together. 

Wild Lotus provides a virtual spiritual community to fortify the power of love healing and manifestation in the hearts and wombs of all women. If you choose - if you agree and if you participate at beyond your total capacity. Anything less than your full YES will leave you with the bitter taste of dissolution and personal sabotage. 

I believe right now on our earth, we are being asked to choose 

“ To choose ye this day whom ye shall serve. “

And if your choice is to serve only love - then do be it. 

In my experience, choosing to serve only truth requires devotion and support. Creating community becomes the greatest asset to warriors of light. 

Wild Lotus is your community - if you choose to be supported in this way. If you choose to have your team of powerful women voting your victory and celebrating your miracles daily! If you choose to unite in love for what matters most right now! 

Do you know you have the power to manifest anything your heart desires? If so, please join us and play with us - resurrecting our temples of love - in your own home!

If you would love to know more about Wild Lotus sessions and our upcoming event - get in touch on support@atatnriclife.org or click the button below.


The Dragon of Illusion


Mother Wound