Our All New Wild Lotus Series contains Instructional and experiential components to each session. The series is available in both Online zoom and Residential retreat format
Meaning, that what ever our greatest weakness is - the very opposite is our strength that we came to resurrect in this life. Our body is giving us clues. Sacred Body Language gives us the tools to translate the signals and codes our body is giving us , into the messages from our great self - guiding us step by step, choice by choice in living our best life. ”
The Foundations is a 3 phase series creating the essential tools for our spiritual work
” In the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god.”
Our words have power, and when we say what matters to us, with feeling, our word becomes flesh.
Language is the Architecture of our consciousness. We think and express in words, to ourselves, to each other and to all creation. Mastering our words is the first step to self mastery
Phase one: Wild lotus & Language of Mastery
Awaken the power of words and how to transform our life by transforming our language system.Phase two: Wild lotus & Sacred Body Language
Remember the language of our body and the translation of the signal and codes our spirit is sending us.Phase three: Wild lotus & All for you
All for you, unites the tools into a quantum thriving system to heal, manifest and transform any and all parts of our life.
101 Wild lotus & Language of Mastery
Conscious Language as a Human operating system
The domains of language
The components of consciousness
How we manifest with our words
201 Wild lotus & Sacred Body Language
Codes of consciousness
Decoding body language
Translating signals into messages
Law of healing
301 Wild lotus & All for you
The freedom Process
The scale of emotional Harmonics
Systems and codes
The universal laws of creations
Meta physical healing & manifestation
Signing up for the retreat or all three phases up front will be most cost effective and victorious way to attend the series as you will receive all your customer hub and playbooks to start preparing. You will also be giving your subconscious a message to prepare for the full and complete foundational journey. Experience has taught me, we only go as we are prepared to grow.
Each session contains experiential & instructional components
The experiential component
Wild Lotus is a daily shamanic practice for women to restore our true sacred sexual spiritual nature. Based on the Yoni yoga practice Iya designed over 20years, Wild Lotus sessions draw on a variety of spiritual tools to restore our feminine sexual energy and orgasmic bliss states - as our natural way of being. Orgasmic bliss, (otherwise known as our Life force energy), brings us into a highly intelligent state of consciousness and illuminates our vast capacity for manifestation, love and transformation. We can perceive and conceive our heaven on earth while in suspended sustained bliss. This practice is suited to all women of all ages.
Each of us came here with an agreement to resurrect and awaken our version of heaven. We arrived coded with our purpose, and our “job” is to “remember”. This unique practice is designed to open our life force (sexual energy) flowing through our bodies and raises our frequency. Naturally, this liberates deep memories, visions and dreams, unlocking thought forms and chronic holding patterns. Each session improves the quality of our life by facing and feeling all areas of ourselves, including our emotional, physical, mental and sexual body at the causal level. As a result, we bring more Prana (aliveness) and awareness internally to commune with our creator, the language of our heart - decoding our true selves and birthing our heaven here - now!
FEELING IS HEALING less about 'what we do' and more about 'what we feel'. It is an internal process that involves transforming our relationship to our breath, into being breathed. The postures or positions include sitting, standing and lying down, with a focus of bringing awareness and energy into the cells of our body. Breathing consciously activates our blissful body; when we STOP doing our breath, great spirit can breathe us - this is bliss. An increases ad sensitivity to our subtle energy will also occur. A woman requires her subtle feelings to navigate her vast inner realm, intuition, and higher Sidhi powers.
““All women share one profound power together - we came to earth to LOVE - to be love and have our love received.” ”
In my 22 years of experience, our inner work requires a lot of courage to love as deeply and profoundly as we are made to. Our full capacity for love is required as we come to face our self, weed our subconscious and love the unloveable. Forgiving the unforgivable create peace within, and our collective consciousness womb is fertile for cultivating a healthy garden from which pure consciousness can flower.
Each session is tailored to the group of women who are attending and the energy present in the space. This may include breathing, asanas, meditation, sound & voice therapy, massage, dance movement and more.
It can be practised at any stage of your cycle and also during pregnancy. Ecstatic conscious births are the result of women attending these sessions throughout pregnancy.
The Instructional component
Discover the transformative power of Conscious Language with Robert Tennyson Stevens’ Conscious Language Playbook. This system, developed over 55 years, offers a curriculum to master the art of heart-felt communication and shift from "wanting" to "having," "trying" to "doing," and "thinking" to "experiencing." Like learning to read and write, mastering Conscious Language involves sequential steps to become proficient in communication and consciously creating your highest choices. This book offers a deep study of words and a powerful upgrade to consciousness, providing tools for successful, happy, healthy, and abundant living. Embrace Conscious Language and transform your life with this Heart-to-Heart training.
Phase one : Language of mastery
Includes Conscious Language play book
Customer Hub Resources
recommended added resources :
- logos of now ,
- minerals bio liquid light
- Tinctures : Her creative fire.
Sacred Body Language Translations Playbook
Dive into the profound world of body language with the Sacred Body Language Translations Playbook by Robert Tennyson Stevens. This enlightening resource explores how our bodies store genetic, experiential, and collective memories, offering a visual guide to interpreting the subconscious through symbols, patterns, and sensations. By learning to decipher these messages, you'll enhance communication between your conscious and subconscious selves, gaining deeper insights into your needs and responses. Discover the language of the subconscious through your body's expressions and unlock a new level of self-understanding and love.
Phase Two : Sacred Body Language Translations
Includes Conscious Language play book
Customer Hub Resources
recommended added resources :
- My word made flesh
- minerals bio liquid light & magnesium Calcium
- Tinctures : I can , I trust, I clear
Phase Three : All for you
Includes All for you Workbook
Customer Hub Resources
recommended added resources :
- My word made flesh
- minerals bio liquid light & magnesium Calcium
- Tinctures : I clear, I will, thought freedom, Sovereign Creative Stability
Life Upgrade Coaching: ALL FOR YOU™
The Mastery Systems Life Upgrade Coaching Curriculum offers unique techniques to engage and upgrade every aspect of life. The course demonstrates our Human Operating System technology revealing hidden beneficial shifts awaiting acceptance and actualisation.
The choice is simple and easy to achieve because, in The Mastery Systems Technology, it is “already done.” We realize we are already what we desire to be and require only remembering who we really are, “I AM that I AM.”
My Word Made Flesh
In 2019, I experienced health challenges that signalled my requirement to upgrade my beliefs and commit to my next octave of manifestation. I found my new teacher Robert Tennyson Stevens, Author of ‘Logos of now’ and ‘My word made flesh’. A fortuitous encounter that both radically transformed my personal life and also provided deeper structure the the already phenomenal Wild lotus session experience.
A long story short, the Conscious language and tools and technologies received in my studies with Bob have become an integral part of the new wild lotus series format. providing both a strong instructional component to support the vast and mysterious realm of the portal of feminine manifestation and resurrecting divine femininity in women on the planet today.
Where wild lotus all began…
I realised that most of the yoga offered in our western countries was catering to the western fixations such as body image. When the is focus is on how you look, success and appearing healthy. It denies the deeper spiritual and sexual fulfilment that westerns are hungry for. Especially denies the needs of women who are on the path of restoring an alignment to their feminine energy. Yin yoga may begin to address some of women’s inner requirements and yet so much is missed in translation. This practise is coming here now from source to support women in what we face here now being alive on earth.
When I began my yoga path at 14, the way yoga was being offered was focused more on the body image than on the inner practise and actually suppressed my experience of bliss that was naturally arising. At 22 I traveled to India to study with my swami’ji . Over a 2 year period. my practise of yoga opened my consciousness but still something was missing for me.
I resumed facilitating Sacred sexual awakening retreats for women, with my prayer to find my practise that supported me in my daily life between retreats. A practise to support my inner process of restoring my true feminine/sexual nature. To face myself as a woman alive here on earth now, with my emotional challenges, western cultural stress, politically, economically, environmentally factors as well as my womanly ways, such as with menstruation, relating to men, child birth and so on. The eastern yoga practises and the taoist practises and traditions inspire me a lot. These ancient teachings have beautiful wisdom from ancient times - how do i apply it now ? This life was designed to be experienced in the body here and now, but a lot of how we have been conditioned into takes us out of the body, even when it comes to fitness.
In 2007, I received my Tantric Initiation with Shantam Nityama. Through this profound and life changing gift, I awoke many of my gifts, including my Wild lotus yoni yoga practise. I combined my love for Yoga as taught to me by Swami Yoganandya Saraswati in Vashisht, India and I combined it with my personal experiences in awaking to my true natural state of bliss through the Tantric Initiations with Shantam Nityama. I am forever grateful and continue to share my profound and deeply supportive WILD LOTUS YONI YOGA SESSIONS with all my world wide community of sisters.
Welcome to all who hear our calling. Ase.
“All women have a vast reservoir of creative power yet due to the stress and impact of our modern culture, too easily she loses contact and inspiration to her capacity for manifestation and her true beauty. When a woman is in an environment that is supporting her deepest truth, she very quickly realigns to her natural state of wisdom, bliss and beauty. By coming back to her body in a feminine way on a regular basis, she keeps this eternal well spring alive and vibrant. Naturally this then flows over into every aspect of her life, enriching all she loves, her children, projects, creations and relationships. She loves her world!
Listen to what the women are saying….
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