A 2 day workshop for Men & Women to come together and share at a deeper level, with the guidance of Shantam Nityama
Sexual energy is the most powerful force we have in our bodies. The transformational power of sexual energy works by allowing our natural breath to connect us with the essence of our innate divinity and vast consciousness. In this humbling place of sacred Union, sexuality and spirit become one. When our erotic nature is feared and repressed, abuse in the form of anger, depression, rape, and perversion prevails. The denial of the natural pleasure and beauty creates inhibition, guilt and disease.
As human beings on the planet we all have masculine and feminine energy within us.
The first step to restore our relationship with these forces within is to recognise the holding patterns and conditioning that distort our life force, which often lies in the hidden parts of our psyche. With Nityama's illuminating presence and masterful guidance, we will gently lift the veil on where we have gone astray from our natural energy "orgasmic bliss".
Discover the simple tools available on hand to everyone, man and woman, to open us to our natural orgasmic nature and utilise these forces for our spiritual work.
When Men & Women address their inner world and attend to their spiritual work, it provides a platform for coming together consciously. With openness and honesty in the environment, a space is open to share at a deeper level.
These workshops are conceived from and are guided by spiritual values and principles that have consistently transformed the lives of men and women who are genuinely committed to understanding themselves.
Date: Saturday & Sunday 27 & 28 MAY
Location: London
Time: 10am - 4pm
Price: £ 370
Note: No partner / relationship required to attend.
How to Register:
1. Complete the registration form here.
2. Complete payment
> Online Credit Card
> Bank details (request)
If you have any inquiries please direct your questions to roxy@atantriclife.org
Bodywork & Consultations
Nityama will be available at selected times and locations for bodywork and consultations. Please keep in mind that you will need to book early to avoid disappointment, as his schedule is limited and will certainly be filled quickly!
Schedule a Session
Brighton, UK 21 - 31 May
Antwerp, Belgium 1 - 11 June
Amsterdam, Netherlands 12 - 26 June
Copenhagen 27 June - 11 July
Ängsbacka, Sweden 1-7 July
Nantes, France 20 - 28 July
Ibiza, Spain 15 - 20 September
Estonia, 21-28 September