Gathering in The Name of Ifa The Sacred Study of Self
Online 4 Part Series with Baba Alawode
Date and Time:
Starts the 8th of May, 7pm Sydney, Australia time Every Friday for 4 weeks x 1.5 hour class
Session 1 - 15th of May
Session 2 - 22nd of May
Session 3 - 29th of May
Session 4 - 5th of June
Time Zones - please check your time here
Examples: UK 10:00 AM, Europe 11:00 AM Bali 17:00
Price: 243.00 AUD
The course will cover the following topics:
• Obi divination - understanding and interpreting the 5 position method and the 9 position method
• Ifa cosmology, scripture and stories
• Sacrifice and ebo - how to determine the correct sacrifice to efficiently achieve desired outcomes through ebos
• Orisa and ancestral reverence - understanding the progression of the states of consciousness
This course will give you much more than methods for obi divining. It is a sacred gathering to connect with ourselves and allow the wisdom of Ifa to transpire between us. Coming together to raise our consciousness strengthens our spirit and immunity through truth, wisdom, and enacting (offerings) and spoken prayer. In Ifa we don’t pray to the universe - we command our highest choices into existence with the grace of Olodumare’s (God’s) love.
If you wish to read more about the nature of the Obi Divination and the science behind it, please visit out Ifa Divination page here
Or if you have any questions about the workshop or would like to book an Ifa reading please contact us directly on: