Wild Lotus & Language Of Mastery
Full moon - fill your cup day retreat
Restoring the Divine Feminine in Women
Dates: Saturday 16th Nov
Times: 12:30am - 4pm
Price: $333
Location: Ecoasis, Northern rivers, Australia
Extra Recommended resources :
- Customer hub with Recorded classes from Robert Stevents in video and mp3 $75
- Conscious language & “Logos of Now” Book $55
- Conscious language workbook $55
All extra resources are sent on registration to prepare for our gathering.
““The main focus in Wild Lotus is to assist women in restoring our divine femininity by Awakening to our sexual, spiritual Nature.””
Orgasmic bliss is our natural state. Mastery of ourselves begins with using Conscious Language™. ""As we think in our heart, so are we."" Our Words have power, especially when spoken repeatedly with feeling. Every word, internally or out loud, produces an outcome. Is your current experience of your life your version of heaven on earth?
Whenever we take on a limiting belief either picked up through our lineage or borrowed from our society, our life manifests what we believe or agree to. All beliefs are expressed through thought-word-feeling patterns.
Wild lotus is a unique tantric yoga practice that facilitates our natural flow of orgasmic life force. It also illuminates where our life force is suppressed and repressed by the crystallisation of thought forms in our bodies, formed by solidifying limiting belief patterns.
The feminine energy has been rejected and denied for too long in our collective consciousness, and we are all affected in some way, especially at the hands of our mothers and those we mother. Wild lotus is a remembering our true freedom and coming home to our natural divine flow of The mother.
Returning ''home'' to our body as the ''temple of the most high living god'' restores our feminine energy. Be prepared with the powerful tools required for this is potentially the most challenging, terrifying and painful experience any woman can metamorphose through. Agony to Ecstacy.
‘Our greatest weakness shall be our greatest strength’
The woman's womb is a physical organ that can, on all levels, conceive - grow - feed, and birth life. Like our universe, the womb is also a metaphysical portal for personal and collective transformation and manifestation.
This involves embracing our "shadow" and facing all the parts of ourselves that have been repressed, rejected, shamed, lied to and exploited, mainly by those she has loved and trusted the most.
Reclaiming and forgiving all aspects of our self are essential to feeling and being embodied.
Language of mastery empowers us with tools and techniques to tend to the soils of our subconscious mind and weed out our limiting 'belief systems. Combined with Wild Lotus embodiment sessions, this practice provides a specific alchemy that transforms your love life from strangled in weeds to flourishing in sweet bloom. Living in full-bodied alignment with our heart's deepest desires.
Dates: Saturday 16th Nov
Times 12:30am - 4pm
Location: Ecoasis, Northern rivers, Australia
"When nothing works .... just simply rest ... resting, as if there is nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to achieve .... dissolve melting into existence, just like an ice cube melting in the early sun, disappearing, evaporating, a dew drop slipping from the lotus leaf into the lake.” - Osho
This Wild Lotus series will facilitate you to be nurtured by your breath. As we gather in a cauldron of sisters, we remember our blessings: trusting our body, our innate wisdom in our experience, living in connection with our life force energy and being guided by our love.